Category: Blog

Research on Bees

I started research for my Idea involving assigning bees tasks within a hive. I researched bees and found out some interesting things. the first thing important to note is that there are only three classes of bees within a hive. Queens- There is only one in a hive and her job is to lay eggs …

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Idea Exploration 3 & 4

Idea 1- Communication through notes Letters received through the mailbox and the player needs to pick a response to the letter from four written responses. The replying letter will indicate how appropriate the response is. Picking notes on a board and then writing a note back to replace the one taken down. This idea could …

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Idea Exploration 1 & 2

I have begun to expand upon my ideas. I have chosen six of the ideas that grew from the word seeds and now I am thumb-nailing six game ideas based upon those seedling ideas. ( I don’t know why I chose six, it just seemed like a good number) I am not focusing on mechanics …

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Level up: Ideas

Inspired by my reading I have decided to start the research stage of this project and get it underway. My goal is to research and idea generate as much as i possibly can as I think I will need the information when it comes the time to start building the GDD. I want to start …

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Level Up! Following a book

I have had some time off recently as I have been working my summer job and having family over for a couple of weeks. Enough is enough however! I must get back on track with the project!!! I have decided that I wasn’t too keen on the idea for the last game and it suddenly …

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