June 2019 archive

GDD 1.0.1

The GDD has been updated. I have added a list of the npc and player texture animations. I have also begun to list the assets required for the game. I am trying to make this game playable for everybody so my choices have been influenced by healthy eating and environmental choices. I have chosen to …

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Concept 3d Model of Robbo

Robbo is the robot that runs the store in game. This will be the character that the player controls so I need to have enough detail that the player can relate to him. I started with a cube and built down from the head. I am using blender for the 3d construction. Eventually the arms …

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GDD (Games Design Document)1.0

I have been working my day job this week so haven’t had the time too work on the project as planned. This really motivated me to get the GDD done. For those who don’t know a GDD is a document that breaks down the game so that design can be done in an orderly way. …

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A relaxed day

Today I have spent the day doing some research into animation. I have realised that I will need: Left Right Idle Jump Interact npc Interact object I am going to spend tomorrow writing my GDD and my project scope. I know that I would like a platform 2d side scrolling game with educational puzzles. It …

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Character Design

Today I started working on the character who will appear across the first lot of apps to be released. I wanted something that children would enjoy and it must also be able to have facial expressions and body language. I have designed this character before for Uni at some point so I started this process …

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