GDD 1.0.1

The GDD has been updated. I have added a list of the npc and player texture animations. I have also begun to list the assets required for the game. I am trying to make this game playable for everybody so my choices have been influenced by healthy eating and environmental choices. I have chosen to use fresh fruit and veg as the items to collect and promote environmentally friendly options like a paper bag. I think I am going to reformat the GDD over the week to make it easier to read. I may potentially create a PDF and upload it as images in the future, this way I can illustrate it nicely and make it look really cool.

<Your Game Name Here>

Build Play Learn

“Learning through Play”

Revision: 1.0.1

Edited: 24/06/2019 by James Cook

GDD Template Written by: Benjamin “HeadClot” Stanley


If you use this in any of your games. Give credit in the GDD (this document) to Alec Markarian and Benjamin Stanley. We did work so you don’t have to.

Feel free to Modify, redistribute but not sell this document.

TL;DR – Keep the credits section of this document intact and we are good and do not sell it.


Theme / Setting / Genre

– Childrens educational game, set in a futuristic cartoon world inhabited by cute zany characters. It must be ESRB E.

Core Gameplay Mechanics Brief

– Jumping – Almost always combined with gravity, the player must jump from one platform to another and not fall. (Example: Mario)

– Remember an Increasing Number of Things – Tests the short-term memory of a player. (Example: Simon)

– Gathering Resources to achieve a goal.

– Gravity- 2d platformer (no risk of character death but would mean re navigating the level.

Targeted platforms

– Mobile Phones and Tablets (Android and IOS)

– Xbox and PlayStation

– Pc and Macs.

– Cost? (How much will it cost?)

£332 on pay.

£40 pound app store licensing.

£20 advertising

Total : £392

– Time Scale (How long will it take to make this game?)

Two weeks has been scheduled.

– <Team Size>

– <Core Team>

– Team Member name?

James Cook Developer and producer.


– <Marketing Team>

– Team Member name?

– What does he/she do?

– <Cost to employ them full time or part time>

– Etc.

(List as many marketing team members as you need to)

– <Licenses / Hardware / Other Costs>

– <Total Costs with breakdown>

Influences (Brief)

– <Influence #1>


The robot was aesthetically pleasing, and children loved it. I enjoyed how they used body language for communication.

– <Influence #2>

– <Medium> (Television, Games, Literature, Movies, etc.)

– /Explain Why in 1 Paragraph or less/

– /Explain why this is an influence in 1 Paragraph or less/

– <Influence #3>

– <Medium> (Television, Games, Literature, Movies, etc.)

– /Explain why this is an influence in 1 Paragraph or less/

– <Influence #4>

– <Medium> (Television, Games, Literature, Movies, etc.)

– /Explain Why in 1 Paragraph or less/

– /Explain why this is an influence in 1 Paragraph or less/

The elevator Pitch

<A one sentence pitch for your game.>

A game about a robot that takes orders from customers and must navigate a warehouse to collect the items. It is aimed at young children to promote memory and co-ordination.

Project Description (Brief):

<Two Paragraphs at least>

<No more than three paragraphs>

The game is a 2d platform game comprised of 3d assets. The player takes on the role of a robot store assistant (Robbo). Customers will enter the shop one at a time and wait at the counter to be served. When the player moves Robbo to the counter a dialogue box will pop open with images of fruit and vegetables with a number next to them.

The player will then move into the ware house will navigate the floors and shelves to collect the items returning them to the customer.

What sets this project apart?

– <Reason #1>

The artwork is going to be unique and engaging.

– <Reason #2>#

The gameplay is engaging for young children

– <Reason #3>

It will be for young children and those with special educational needs.

Core Gameplay Mechanics (Detailed)

– <Core Gameplay Mechanic #1>

– <Details>


When the player taps the screen the robot will jump. The jump will be 3 times the height of the assets with a “puffing” animation on the robot.

– <Core Gameplay Mechanic #2>

– <Details>

Remember an Increasing Number of Things –

The player will need to remember the list of things to collect. They will be able to view the list by going back to the front shop. There is no limit. They may also complete the list piece by piece if they wish too.

– <Core Gameplay Mechanic #3>

– <Details>

Gathering Resources to achieve a goal.

The player will need to navigate a warehouse and collect the correct number of items from different areas. The items will always be in the same place, with new items and locations becoming unlocked to add variety and challenge.

– <Core Gameplay Mechanic #4>


2d platformer (no risk of character death but would mean re navigating the level. When the player falls they will have to navigate the level to reach the object again.

Story and Gameplay

Story (Brief)

The shop exists in a fantasy world populated by cartoon characters. Some are the primal shapes, and some are various fruit and vegetables. The shop is run by Robbo the robot and it is his job to make sure that everyone gets what they need.

Gameplay (Brief)

The player will navigate a warehouse by moving left, right and jumping. They will click on items to pick them up and move to the shop on the left-hand side to deliver the items. Once they have delivered the items another character will ask them for some different items. The player will be rewarded coins for gathering the correct items and can use these to decorate their shop. There is no punishment for giving the wrong items, these won’t be counted.

Assets Needed

– 2D

– Textures


Mr Mellow

Miss Hart

Items in Warehouse-







– Environment Textures






Magazine Stand

Shopping Bag (brown paper)


Shop Window with view of high street.








Background- Repeating





– Heightmap data (If applicable)

– List required data required – Example: DEM data of the entire UK.

– Etc.

– 3D

– Characters List

– Robbo

– Miss Hart

– Mr. Mellow

– etc.

– Environmental Art Lists

– Example #1

– Example #2

– Example #3

– etc.

– Sound

– Sound List (Ambient)

– Outside

High Street noises

– Sound List (Player)

Robbo –


                Correct Beeps

                Incorrect Beeps

                Hello Beep

                Goodbye Beep

– Character Movement Sound List

Robbo Rocket whirring sound

– Character Hit / Collision Sound list

                Bump Noise

– Code

– Character Scripts (Player Pawn/Player Controller)

– Ambient Scripts (Runs in the background)

– Example

– NPC Scripts

– Example

– etc.

– Animation

– Environment Animations

– Example

– etc.

– Character Animations

– Player




Thumbs Up

Well Done Dance

Head Shake


Walk Right

Walk Left

Idle (looking around)

Talking and Gesturing (Ordering)


Good Bye

Pick up shopping bag

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